
Our Gift of Mischa Grace - Home Two Months

Two months ago today we stepped off the plane at JFK with Mischa Grace and handed her paperwork to the immigration officers. She was finally home. We went to dinner with our newest American girl. (she slept the whole time) Then after traveling for 21 hours (in the IA world they call this labor) and almost not getting on our connecting flight because it was overbooked... we walked through the gates to the best welcome home. Our families had traveled two hours through a major lake effect snowstorm to welcome home our Mischa Grace. Some of the pictures are blurry and I think I have red eye in most of them but these are the best pictures of our journey.

Waiting for us!

Coming through the gate!
(Notice the American Flag)

Today just happens to be my birthday too. I couldn't ask for a better present ... she is my Gift of Grace, our Amazing Grace and Our Saving Grace ... we are so lucky to have her and she was so worth the wait. We wouldn't change a thing. She is doing so good and is growing like crazy. She loves Baby Einstein, FOOD, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, FOOD, chasing Granite around the house, FOOD and her pink princess car. We just love her to pieces. It has finally hit me that she is here. No more waiting and only a little paperwork left. Our first Voyage to Russia is over..our Mischa Grace is home. It seems like the perfect time to bring this blog to a close. I did start another blog that will be just Mischa Grace and I will continue to post pictures and small updates if anyone is interested in checking in on her. It's been such a great way to capture the memories. (actually it's the only way I remember anything these days:) Once it's finished I will post the new address and link on here. We'll leave you with some of her, "Home for Two Months" pictures.

Thank you for all your support, kind words, gifts and for joining us on this journey! We are so lucky to be surrounded by such great family and friends.
Til' next time.


Home Six Weeks (yes...I'm a week behind)

This is actually seven weeks home but I'm just getting around to posting some pictures from week 6. Being back to work has gone fine. I keep saying it is nice to have time to eat lunch, go to the bathroom and even get a drink of water. (oh and shop at lunch ... shhhhh) The first few days were like a day at the spa. I came home so rested even with a busy week. Of course I missed her and this week was a little harder...she wasn't very happy to see me when I came home and screamed when I went near her. Things are fine now so I'm hoping that phase is over. I feel like I barely see her when I'm working. Playing with her today I can see how much she has grown in size and developmentally.
Now that she is comfortable at home I've been trying to get her out. Last weekend we went to see the Easter Bunny and we also went on a couple play dates. They went well and she is getting used to the car and better in the car seat.
Tomorrow is her first Easter and she is all set with her new Easter dress and bunny ears from Aunt Megs and crew. We bought her some new toys since she can't really eat candy and I know I'll end up eating it all. :) Maybe the Easter bunny will bring her some. I promise there will be lots of pictures.
Hope everyone has a Happy Easter!

Sleeping with my blanket that Aunt Florence
made for me when I was born.


Meeting Mischa Grace!

Just a few of my favorite photos from our first trip to Russia in November when we met Mischa Grace and signed the papers to adopt her. We never got to post these. Seems like yesterday but it also seems like she has always been here. At some point I need to take down the blog but I'm not ready yet. I still have other things I want to add before making it into a book for her, so for now it will stay. Who knows we could be on our way back for another one before I take it down. :)


Back to work for Mommy! (part-time anyways)

Tomorrow I head back to work. I'll be working part-time for a bit while Mischa Grace continues to get settled. Am I ready to go back...not really! Could I stay at home...really...I could! It's not that I don't like my job but I would rather be home with Mischa Grace that's all. I have a whole list of reasons why but I won't get into it because I don't have a choice. So I will get up, get dressed in my work clothes, (no more sweats or jeans) head out the door and be thankful that I have a job and work with such wonderful people. (can't wait to see you all)


Home Five Weeks!

So I lied... I had to get the camera out. I don't think Mischa Grace minded. She is feeling better but not back to herself yet.


Quick Update

Wow...I can't believe it's been almost a week since I posted. Things have been busy trying to catch up from being gone again and helping Mischa Grace recover from surgery. She is doing well but her mouth has been very sore and she has to wear arm restraints most of the time to keep her hands out of her mouth. She is frustrated but still finds the energy to laugh and play! I think the most frustrating thing for her is not being able to eat as fast and as much because of her mouth hurting. She loves her food and she needs to eat. She is so skinny again but eating enough to get by and soon she will be able to eat whatever she wants.
I've given her a break from the camera for the week but have some pictures from last week to post when I get a minute.


We're home with our Amazing Grace!

The doctors let Mischa Grace go home this morning! We were so shocked as we expected to be there until at least Sunday. The little piglet ate and drank so much yesterday there was obviously no reason for her to stay for the IV. She ate 5 bowls of pudding, a big yogurt and drank 3 pints of milk and a glass of water. She ate all of this like a little bird with us dropping the food into her mouth. She is a tough little girl...who loves her food! Gotta love her!
Thank you for all the well wishes. We're so thankful to be surrounded by great family and friends and to be home again!


Our "Little Trooper"

Grace's surgery went very well on Tuesday and she keeps improving every hour. The surgery was 6 hours long and she was in immediate care for a couple days but was moved to a semi-private room on the 8th floor (the penthouse) today. I say semi-private because the nurses station is part of our room, but it doesn't seem to bother her, she is snoring away. She can't have anything in her mouth for at least another week so she has restraints on her arms. This morning she had milk and we literally had to throw it in her mouth with a spoon. :) This could get interesting as she starts eating more. Overall she is doing great and charming everyone with her big blue eyes.
Not sure when we get to go home...we're hoping by Sunday. We'll keep you posted and I have lots of pictures from last week to post while we are here.


Third Week Home

Quick update while MG naps. She has been home three weeks now. She is growing like crazy and is quite fearless. She is starting to walk just holding one hand and is a maniac in her johnny jumper. She is a busy girl and I'm not going to lie I am sooo tired at the end of the day. (of course it's a good tired)

Everyday when she gets up she is so happy and excited. She kind of looks at us like, "It wasn't a dream ...I'm still here?" Of course we feel the same...we still can't believe she is actually here. I still wake up thinking, "is today the day we'll get the call" or "what adoption paperwork do I need to do today" and then I hear her and am so thankful that she is finally here.

Many people have asked about her surgery. She will be having surgery on Tuesday in Syracuse to repair her palate. It's a long surgery and because she will need an IV for fluids she will be in the hospital for 4 or 5 days. We are very confident with the her team of doctors and they have said she should recover rather quickly and should be eating solid foods within 2-3 weeks. It's a surgery that could have been done in Russia, but we chose for her to have it here so that we could be with her and talk with the doctors. We'll keep you posted!

Now for some pictures from her third week home!


Second Week Home

I can't believe it was only two weeks ago on Saturday that Mischa Grace came home. Seems like she has always been here. She continues to adjust well and eat a ton. We're hoping she puts on a couple more pounds before her surgery next week.
She keeps us laughing... she is quite the spitfire and ham. She laughs a lot too ... her new friends Mady and Kennady had her laughing so hard she threw up one night. (it was more like a spit up but it was funny and we got it on video)
Yes that is my (work) Blackberry in her hand! She is obsessed with BB's and cell phones. If you see her, hide your phone.