
E-mail from our coordinator

Many people keep asking when and why our adoption is taking so long ... as do we. Below is an e-mail from our coordinator explaining things a bit and saying it is all normal.

Dear Jill,
This wait is normal, I do not think you should switch regions. Two regions have started giving out referrals, but others are still registering families or even XXX as the agency. There are so many Russian families adopting right now, plus many agencies were waiting for their accreditation and now are just starting with their business, it's understandable. The wait was normal even before the accreditation expired, it's a part of the process. We had to switch some families around, because the regions said no from get go, and it's not your case at all. Please do not worry. You've been so patient and understanding. I would tell you if there were a problem, but right now it's just part of the process, everybody waits. If it gets unbearable, talk to other families, specifically from Volgograd, it always seems to help. Have a Wonderful Easter.

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