Warning: This is a little bit of a tirade.
NBC and Teleflora are running an America's Favorite Mom contest. There are different categories of moms. Working moms, military moms, and non-moms etc...
The Non-Mom description is:
Grandparent, stepmom, or mom to adopted children .....
Here's the link
Normally I can let off the wall comments about adopting go but as an adoptive parent this is offensive and I can't believe two large companies couldn't think of better wording than "NON-MOMS."
Feel free to let them know your thoughts:
Press Contact: fposell@teleflora.com
Advertising Contact: advertising@teleflora.com
Quality Customer Experience: service@teleflora.com
1 comment:
My name is Grace and I work with Edelman (www.Edelman.com), on behalf of Teleflora’s “America’s Favorite Mom” program. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about this issue.
After closer examination, Teleflora recognized how this may have been offensive to moms who have adopted children… moms who are indeed real moms in every sense of the word. This show of insensitivity was in no way intended and Teleflora offers its deepest apology (http://americasfavoritemom.com/mothers-day-2008/static/semiFinalists). It was always Teleflora’s intent to salute and celebrate all moms.
Please know that in response to the concerns expressed, Teleflora immediately changed the name of the “Non-Mom” category to “Adopting Moms,” which has already been posted at AmericasFavoriteMom.com(http://americasfavoritemom.com/mothers-day-2008/static/semiFinalists).
On behalf of Teleflora, I would like to offer my sincerest best wishes to you on this Mother’s Day.
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