
Finally ... We're Going to Russia and It's a Girl!

It's official , we are going to Russia! We have lots to tell but things have been super busy with work, Granite's surgery and recovery(sigh) and planning for Trip 1 to meet our little girl. Trying to make the blog look more girly... we totally expected a boy. We're still in shock. I'll post more when I get time.


Anonymous said...

Thank God you finally updated your blog! I was beginning to worry!!! I didn't want to send your new scrapbook stuff until you said it was a go!!!! So happy for you three! Love, Michele :)

Voyage to Russia said...

You are fast, I just updated this. Thinking Paisley's, Stripes and Polka Dots.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations - I was beginning to wonder what was happening. You will be such awesome parents!! Love ya, Cher :-)

Anonymous said...

Whoohoo! I've been checking (or lurking, depending on how you look at it) your blog for so long. This is great news. My office is also cheering for you & Dan since I just yelled the news to them. :) Brynn will love having a little girl cousin.

Anonymous said...

I like the new blog look!

Anonymous said...

Pink is a wonderful color!

Congrats from me Gary and the boy.

Lov - Steff

Anonymous said...

Congratulations we are so happy for you!
Uncle Jim & Aunt Vicki