We're asking for some opinions and suggestions for names. We will need to name her on our first trip next week so we need to be prepared. With all the excitement and work preparing for this trip we can't think straight so we're asking for some help.
A few things:
1. We will find out her full Russian name once we get there and may use part of that.
2. We want her to have at least one family name. (non-negoitable :) BTW ... Grace, Viktoria, (Russian Spelling) Catherine and Emma are all family names. Paisley is a name my brothers LOVE!
3. You can vote on the right for some of our choices or leave a comment with suggestions.
Keep it clean! :) Thank you in advance!
I'm sure you ran out of room & that's why my name wasn't on the list so I'll do a write-in.... Meghan is a lovely choice :0)
:) I do love your name but didn't want to steal it from your girl.
Well I have to leave a comment because there are 4 opinionated males in the house with me who want their voice heard too. I love Mischa and Quincy and Nicholas agree, but they did not like Paisley (sorry, Jill). Mark and Christopher vote for Grace Catherine. If you are taking other family name suggestions: Eva, Hattie, and Suzanne (or Susan). Mark was a big fan of the name Annika, before we knew Christopher was a boy. Can;t wait to hear her official full name. Hope you guys figure it out faster than we did. Both our boys were unnamed for 24 hours after their birth because we could not come to a mutual decision. (I won with Nicholas and Mark won with Christopher). Good Luck!!!
I like Hatley/Hadley also and call her Hattie ... your brother doesn't like it.
Paisley is just to tease my brothers. :)
Ok...I know that you and I have talked about this and I have already weighed in on my opinion, but now that I see all of your choices in the voting box I think her name would be very sweet if it were Mischa Grace Folsom(besides, Mischa is the closest to Michele!). It might make your life a tad easier too, since her name is already Mischa(right?)Have fun with this one...Michele:)
I'm posted this for Nan since she likes Paisley! :) Thanks Nan!
Okay, I may be able to book reservations to anywhere, but I am having a problem responding to your blog site ( tried X 2), so will do this the old fashioned way: I really think all your choices are beautiful. My favorite
female name (discovered after Carolyn was born was/is Paige; so similar to Paisley. Not that this needs a vote, but how about combo :Paisley Viktoria; unique, a touch of Dad and Sweden with a Russian flair? See her and it will come, love, nan xoxo
I personally love the classic names. Patrick and I both vote for Grace Catherine. Part of your Grammie's name and part of yours. We are so happy for you all. She's a very lucky little girl and I can't wait to meet her.
Love, Karen
I really like Mischa Grace or what about Mischa Catherine. You could go for something different and give her a longer name and go for something like Mischa Emma Grace (pull in both grandmother's and keep part of her name). Emma is currently the 2nd or 3rd most popular name for little girls in the US.
I know once you meet her the perfect name will come to you. She and her name will fit together perfectly. Isn't it fun getting to finally pick a name. I am so excited for you guys! Have a safe and wonderful trip. The time is flying by.
Love, Cher
Hi Jill! I think Grace Catherine is beautiful and so is Mischa (or Maria) Grace. We're so excited about your trip to Russia. God bless.
1 WEEK!!!!!!
I actually did a little research for you on this. I was disappointed to find that Mischa was not on the list of Russian girl names I found. I did find 2 that were kind of "cool" (for you Cher:). MARNY is a female Scandanavian name that means of the Sea. I know it sounds weird but say it together, Marny Folsom. I kind of like it. The other is RAISA it is Russian and means "adaptable". Cool name, sounds good, Raisa Folsom, has an appropriate meaning and I can't think of anything bad that rhymes with it so she would have that going for her. Just promise anything but Paisley.
Jill, I just looked up Mischa and in russian it would be spelled 'Miesha' and means 'Gift from God'. May be a very fitting name. Just more fodder for you to think about!
Thanks Cher ... it's also a nickname for the boy name Mikhail and is also used for a boy or girl.
Meg just told me he didn't do any research for his own children. LOL
I saw that about the nickname. I also apologize I just saw both spellings for Mischa and Miesha (both mean the same thing). Mika means God's Child. It is fun to do the research stuff. I know you will come up with the perfect name for her. You and Dan will be such great parents!! You have waited so long for this. One week!
Jamie was going to name Isaac, Emma Ray if he had been a girl that would be great to name after both Grandmothers, but I truly like Paisley. I didn't have the opportunity to name our children, your Uncle had it all figured it.
Aunt Vicki
Thanks Aunt Vicki ... I'm glad someone likes Paisley. :)
Tell your brothers that Paisley is a freakin tie from the 80's!
Alison votes for Grace Catherine! Julie loves 3 of course. Mischa Grace, Emma Grace, and Grace Catherine. I know that doesn't help much
I vote for Mischa Jean, which will include Barb in the name. I really like Mischa and think Jean works well with it. Since Jean is Barb's middle name, it gives Barb some consideration. I admit that I like Patty Jean or Patricia Jean as well. Best wishes on your trip. When you see her, you will know who she should be in name. Love, Da
I went with Mischa in the poll (too many little Emmas out there right now) but really I vote to meet her before you get too attached to particular name. Tim & I immediately narrowed our 4 girl names down to 2 after Brynn was born, but we had to get to know her for 2 more days before we both decided that she just WASN'T a Claire, she was Brynn. She kind of named herself. :) Good luck on your trip!
~ Colleen
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