
She is a doll!

Things went great today and she is a little ... very little doll. Everything happened very fast this morning. We met with the officials as planned and then went to the baby home. We were only there ten minutes when they brought her out to us. She went right to both of us and didn't cry once. We got to see her twice today and she played well and picked right up on things. We will visit her again tomorrow. We are already dreading leaving.

Looks like the Crystal Lake Regatta is going to be quite big next year ... her birthday is 9.17.07!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! I'm going to cry, I am so happy for you!
Aunt Vicki

Anonymous said...

We can't wait until we can hold her--and maybe spoil her just a little!! Thanks for all the updates-keep them coming. You must be soooooooooo excited. Love to all of you, Grammy and Da

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you both. You are so very lucky!! Can't wait to see pics and eventually to see her. You guys have to be on top of the world!! Love, Cher

JCharlton said...

I am so happy for you two! What an amazing day, you must be on cloud nine!

Anonymous said...

YEAH! I am so excited for you two! I can't wait to see the picture! Keep the updates coming! Randi

Anonymous said...

What a day! I'm thinking how long you've waited for this and I can't imagine all the emotions you must be feeling. I am anxious to find out her name.. and see pictures of your little doll! :~) The Amo's

Anonymous said...

We are sooooo happy for you! It sounds like you are having a great time. She sounds so precious!!!Congratulations, thanks for the updates. can't wait to hear the name on Friday!!

Take Care and best wishes!

Tim and Nicky

Anonymous said...

The both of you are so blessed. It won't be long now until you will have your "forever" family that you both have dreamed of for so long. Congratulations ~ the best is yet to come.

The Davis'

Anonymous said...

We are so excited at Guardino! We can hardly wait to see the blog everyday. It is so thrilling to read about your wonderful experiences! God Bless little Miss Folsom and her parents too! She is one lucky little girl! Can't wait to see her pictures!
Paula C.

Meghan said...

Yea, Yea, Yea! Sooo happy for all three of you!
Meg, Adam, Drew & Coop

Anonymous said...

This is so exciting! The halls of Guardino are buzzing with excitement!! I share the updated information daily with Taylar and Mykaila. Can't wait to see pictures and hear what you decide for her name!
Erin Mayne

Anonymous said...

I can't think of a more deserving couple to have this happen to, and to think of how lucky your little girl is to have found a love like yours. What a beautiful gift for all of you.

John & Laura Lamon

Anonymous said...

Wow!!!!!! Guardino waits for news everyday! We are all waiting for pictures and name!
Today must of seemed like a 1000christmases in one. Children are a joy! She is so luckty to have such great parents!
The Robbinses
Tj, Julie, Trevor and Morgan too!

Anonymous said...

We are so happy for you all. What a lucky little girl. How exciting! ENJOY!!!!

Love, Karen

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome to read, I actually got goose bumps, and my eyes got teary! I am so happy for you all!! I can't imagine how hard this is going to be when you leave!! You will have to make a count down chain for your return trip. Thank you for including me in all of this, this is so great!!!! Love, Michele

Anonymous said...

What excitement you are bringing to an otherwise cold north country. We can't talk about anything else! We know the journey has been long! You two are wonderful and she is lucky to have you!!! Can't wait to find out her name and shop!!!!
Julie and the gang

Anonymous said...

We are so excited for you both. She sounds precious and you must be overwhelmed with such emotions. The time will fly by and soon you will have her home where she belongs. ENJOY every moment with that little girl...
The Smiths
Carrie, Mark Tyler & Jordan

Anonymous said...

We are so excited for you!! It must have been an incredible feeling to see your little angel for the first time. Cant wait to see pictures of her! Thinking of you...and staying tuned.

The Melfi's :)

Anonymous said...

So wonderful to get your news! You are in for the adventure of a lifetime! After such a long wait, it must feel like a dream come true. I'm so happy for you!

Judy P.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I am sure crying will be high on the list when you must leave but just remember soon she will be your forever.

By the way ... what size clothing should I be shopping for????


Anonymous said...


You've worked so hard for this moment!!!!

Steve & Carol

PS Dan, seems like a long way to go for a free agent pick-up!?!