
We have our Visa's!

We got our Visa's today and everything is correct. Thank God! For the next trip we will be paying the extra money to get them faster ... it's not worth the stress of waiting and hoping everything is correct. We have 8 more documents to get flagged by the County Clerk tomorrow and then I'm off to Albany on Thursday to get all our documents apostilled. Packing is almost done and list's are almost complete.

1 more week till we meet her! (It's already Wed. in Russia)

Thank you to everyone who voted for their favorite name.


Anonymous said...

Wow...what a relief it must be to have your visa's! Dan didn't have to hurt the fed-ex man, did he??? Talk to you soon, Michele :)

Purple Ghost of 1989 said...

Hi Jill and Dan!!! I've been trying to leave a message on this for about a week now!---Technologically challenged I guess. Anyway, I did vote a few days ago...liked all the choices but went with Mischa Grace. I wanted to wish you luck on your voyage. I'll be thinking of you guys. What a wonderful Holiday Season you will have! Love, Heather

Anonymous said...

Best of luck! We'll be thinking of you!
Aunt Vicki