
We're Home!

After almost two days of traveling we made it home around 11 last night. Saying goodbye on Saturday was very hard...awful! But there is nothing like your plane being diverted to another airport somewhere in Russia to get your mind off things.
After a few delays out of Volgograd we took off for Moscow ... about two hours later(the flight is only an hour and 15 min.) the captain came on and said something only in Russian. (hint: Rosetta Stone would be a good x-mas gift) There was alot of moaning from the other passengers and the girl next to me started crying and talking to me in Russian and got on her cell phone and we were still flying! We were nervous and finally found a girl who spoke English and translated that they were taking us to another airport about 150 miles from Moscow to wait for the weather to clear in Moscow. We were still pretty nervous! (also we only had 10 Rubles left...that's another story) We finally made it to Moscow around midnight and then we were back at the airport first thing in the morning.
We are exhausted but of course it was totally worth it! We've got some paperwork to get done today and they told us yesterday it might be shorter than three months. :)
I will leave you with a sneak peek of our little Piglet. Obviously her favorite orphanage wear ... on Friday we finally got to switch it up to some Gap Kids!


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you have arrived home safely! Aunt Vicki

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What a darling little piglet such huge beautiful eyes! What size does she wear? Aunt Vicki

Anonymous said...

Of course it had to be Gap kids! LOL! Look out Danny.... the shopping is about to get worse! Glad you guys are home safely! The "piglet" is adorable! Talk to you soon, Randi

Anonymous said...

I'll try this again - my earlier comment did not post. I am so glad to hear you guys got home safe. It sounds like quite an interesting flight!
I think your "Piglet" is the cutest ever. Her blue eyes are so big and bright - she is absolutely adorable. Her eyes are so expressive and she obviously loves the camera. You guys will be such a great family. Glad to hear it may not take 3 months to get her home with you.
So what is her name? We are all anxiously awaiting the news. She looks so tiny, what size does she wear? You are going to have such fun spoiling her.
I am hoping the remaining paperwork and everything goes quickly and smoothly for you. Love, Cher