
The Look!

I know I'm posting alot of pictures, but for so long I couldn't post any, so bear with me. I just bought a new SLR camera so there will be lots more.

This is the look Grace likes to give us..."Will we
ever be able to say no"?


Anonymous said...

Absolutely not! How can you say no those eyes! I'm a pushover for "the look" anyway..
Love looking at the pictures..
Aunt Vicki

Anonymous said...

She is so BEAUTIFUL!!! Have fun keeping the boys away! I also love the pictures of Gracie and Granite! So happy to hear all is going well!
Chrystal Weaver

Anonymous said...

Awwwww - How absolutely adorable. She has you wrapped around her big blue eyes! She learned quickly how to get to mommy and daddy. She is just too cute.
How did the doctor appointments go? Hopefully all went well with them.
Keep the pics coming!

Anonymous said...

Those eyes!!!! She is sooo beautiful! Michele :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh Oh no,,,,,, Jill and Dan you will never be able to say no to those beautiful eyes.
I had to post because i think my Owen lost his long lost twin, the picture of Grace in the tub is a spitting image of the same one I have of Owen.
Congratulations, I love reading the updates!
Lisa Ingerson