
Final paperwork ... that much closer to Mischa!

Today we sent off 16 more documents, all notarized, flagged and apostilled for our court package. We only have 4 more left out of the 70 document package! Of course the judge could always ask for more and we are still waiting on our newest FBI clearance, so we're not celebrating yet. When Mischa is home I'm going to count how many documents it took to get her here . Then when she is older and we are arguing about her outfit or messy room, I will remind her. (lol)

Just in case anyone has been wondering how Granite is doing, she had a check up and x-rays today. (humor me, she is till my baby for now) The vet and the physical therapist said things look great. Actually they were quite impressed as they didn't think she would do this well because she can be so hyper. For the next week she gets to take two 10 min. walks a day and they will increase by 5 min. each week. (lucky dog) She should be in good shape next time we go to Russia and almost back to normal by the time Mischa comes home. :)

We did take pictures of Granite and a stuffed black lab to Mischa. She loved the stuffed animal because it was soft but got bored with it because it didn't make any noise. Boy is she in for a surprise when she meets Granite. She barks if the rug is out of place. Dan's mom got Granite a special outdoor bed for her doghouse for x-mas because she thinks she is going to spending lots of time outside in her kennel.

Photo of the Day
Cooper giving us kisses while we
were in Russia ... what a cutie!


Anonymous said...

Really glad to hear about Granite...Really glad your Albany trip went well. Stewie is home and is soooo sweet! Michele :)

Voyage to Russia said...

I didn't even finish the post and there was a comment. :) Georgie is soo cute!

Anonymous said...

I love my Stewie/Georgie but OMG I feel that Kyla and Carson's first night home from the hospital was a lot easier than last night(of course it has been over 17/13 years sincethat happened so my memory could be fuzzy)! I don't think there is enough coffee to keep me awake today!He didn't want to lay next to me, but he stayed on my side of the bed on the floor and wanted my arm hanging down so he could touch me. As soon as I moved my hand/arm, he would start crying. The pad that the breeder gave me that him, his brothers and his mom slept on the night before he left helped a tiny bit!!! Thank God I love so much! ;-)What we do for those furry children! Michele

Anonymous said...

I am really glad everything is looking good for Granite! She will be so happy to start getting some exercise again. I know what you mean about Granite being your baby - Ombre is mine, he may have feathers instead of fur, but he is still my baby! He has only been sick twice in all the years I have had him, but it was very traumatic - especially when I had to put antibiotics into a hookbill's beak! LOL
It will be interesting to see just how many papers you guys have signed to adopt Mischa. And when you remind her of how many, she will remind you that you have her! :-) You won't win, you know that, right!?! She will have you both wrapped around her little finger in no time! :)
Have a great weekend. Love the picture of Cooper - what a cutie! Love,Cher

Purple Ghost of 1989 said...


These are great to read!!! That one pic was great where Mischa is pointing at the picture....and also of Cooper with the computer. All of the cousins must be so excited. I know I speak to Nicholas about her here and there. Jill...wasn't that hysterical when you posted on my blog and got a reaction! I cracked up ALL DAY about that! lol....ok, hope you guys get all your documents out of your hair soon. Thinking of you guys.